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Toddler shoots himself from gun lying next to father, busy playing on phone

A US resident from Pennsylvania was arrested after his toddler son shot himself with a gun while he was busy playing a game on his phone. The incident was held in May this year, which led to a police investigation. Father Luis Marin was arrested on charges of felony Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Recklessly Endangering Another Person, according to a press release issued by the Office of District Attorney, County of Montogomery, on September 26.

The 34-year-old was purportedly “playing on his phone” while carelessly leaving a loaded gun on the bed, close to the reach of other members of the family, reported Mirror US.
The incident took place on the evening of May 15, 2024. Marin was purportedly “playing on the phone”. As he was completely focused on the phone, the two-year-old kid reportedly shot himself with the gun, according to Mirror US.
According to the press release, the boy was transferred to Lehigh Valley Hospital after the accident. The hospital authority had informed the hospital about the incident. The toddler had been shot, causing injuries that included broken ribs, a fractured scapula and damage to his left lung. There was also a burn mark and stippling on the boy’s skin, indicative of the firearm being pressed against his skin or in very close contact when the gun was fired.
Just before the shooting incident, Luis Marin, went into a bedroom on the second floor of the home to take a crossbody bag to lend it to his nephew. The bag was usually used by Marin for keeping his two handguns and ear protection. Marin had kept the gun outside his bag on his bed. He then gave the bag to his nephew, who left the house.
“This shooting is a frightening reminder to parents that children, even very young children, can and do find unsecured firearms in a home, and their inclination is to play with them. Thankfully, this 2-year-old boy survived the shooting,” said District Attorney, Kevin R Steele.
